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Truth and illusion are often disguised as each other

Director: 吳宇森 John Woo
Producers: 張家振、吳宇森
Writer: 吳宇森、陳汗、盛和煜
Music: 岩代太郎
Release Date: Jul 10, 2008 Hong Kong
Running Time:  145 mins.
US$80 million

赤壁 Red Cliff


Red Cliff trailer

雁型陣,不錯! 可惜已經過時了

Red Cliff 赤壁 is a Chinese epic film based on the Battle of Red Cliffs and events during the Three Kingdoms period in ancient China. The film is expected to be released in two versions: within Asia, Red Cliff is to be released in two parts totaling over four hours in length, with the first part premiering in July 2008 and the second in January 2009.  Outside of Asia, a single 2½ hour film will be released in January 2009.

The movie has a lot of gossips, news and a sad tragedy, a stuntman died while making the movie.  The story has been a very well known story amongst the Chinese.  Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms is one of the most valuable novel written ever.  We read the story in school and even had lessons talking about this, the real history and the novel. 

Go back to the movie, half of the critics like it and the rest doesn't.  Nevertheless, people are still going into cinemas to watch it.  In Asia, it's going to be shown in 2 episodes.  We watched the 1st one, very good I would say.  I have not been a big Three Kingdoms fan thus was watching the movie like a movie.  I just like it. 


梁朝偉 飾演 周瑜


金城武 飾演 諸葛亮

張豐毅 飾演 曹操

張 震 飾演 孫權

林志玲 飾演 小喬

胡 軍 飾演 趙雲

趙 薇 飾演 孫尚香

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